This Little Cow Eats Grass is a traditional fingerplay/tickling song for babies and toddlers.
The author is unknown.
This delightful little song is most well know as a finger play song. Finger play is so important in teaching and enhancing children’s fine motor skills.
Here is a link to one version a finger play for this song: Fingerplay
Melodically, the range is a full octave, so children learn to hear and sing the same note (d) an octave higher (d’).
The time signature is 4/4 and lends itself to simple beat actions and activities.
Teaching Points: d m s; d r m f s l d’; fingerplay, storyboard.
Audio Single Song
Vocal mp3
Lyric Sheet
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Value Pack
This Little Cow Eats Grass is also available as a SINGLE SONG PACK with the following contents:
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