Deck The Halls is a well known traditional Christmas Carol. The melody is taken from “Nos Galan” (“New Year’s Eve”), a traditional Welsh New Year’s Eve Carol, published in 1794.
The original melody dates back even further, to a Welsh air, written in the 1700’s, by a Welsh harpist, John Parry. The English lyrics were written by a Scottish musician, Thomas Oliphant in 1862.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Deck The Halls is such an uplifting, joyous Christmas Carol. The melody is mainly based on steps, up and down the scale, so it is ideal for children to learn and to sing in tune. The first bar of each phrase has a repeated rhythm:- dotted crochet, quaver, crotchet, crotchet.
The following lyrics match these bars:-
“Deck the halls with”, “‘Tis the sea-son”, “Don we now our”, “Troll the an-cient”.
The last bar of each phrase has the following rhythm:- crotchet, crotchet, minim, with the matching lyrics, “la, la, la_”
This repetition of rhythm lends itself to children learning and recognising these repeated patterns. Body percussion followed by playing untuned percussion is a good practical outworking and consolidation of this learning.
Teaching Points: In Tune singing, rhythm patterns, body percussion, percussion instruments, traditional Christmas carol.
Product – Deck The Halls
Vocal mp3
Instrumental mp3
Instrumental with melody mp3
Lyric Sheet PDF
Colored Poster PDF
Coloring Sheet PDF
Sheet Music PDF
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