Nursery Rhyme Audio Theme Packs – Miss Mon's Music Popular Traditional Children's Songs Tue, 08 Oct 2024 03:00:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nursery Rhyme Audio Theme Packs – Miss Mon's Music 32 32 Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 2 Mon, 09 May 2022 03:53:13 +0000 5 Audio Single Song Packs - Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 2
  1. Hickory Dickory Dock

  2. Jack And Jill

  3. Ring A Ring A Rosy

  4. Starlight, Starbright

  5. The Grand Old Duke Of York

  Each of the 5 packs contains the following: mp3 song downloads
  • Vocal mp3
  • Instrumental mp3
  • Instrumental with melody mp3
PDF downloads
  • Lyric Sheet PDF
  • Colored Poster PDF
  • Coloring Sheet PDF
  • Sheet Music PDF
Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 2 includes the following Five Digital Download Audio Single Song Packs:-
  1. Hickory Dickory Dock: a popular English Nursery Rhyme and great song for students to experience the beat in a 6/8 time signature. Melodically, the tones used in the melody of this song are:  d r m f s l t d.’ The melodic line goes up at the beginning and down at the end.
  2. Jack And Jill: a great song for children to feel and perform the beat in 6/8 time. This song has a range of over an octave, using the tones d r m f s l d’ r’ m’. Younger children love to act out the song. One group can sing the song whilst another group/pair does the acting of the lyrics.
  3. Ring A Ring A Rosy: another great song for children to feel and perform the beat in 6/8 time. Also, in order to play the circle game, children have to learn how to skip to the beat, in a circle, holding hands. This version of the song uses the tones d r m f s l, which is a good range of notes for children.
  4. Starlight, Starbright: a great song for teaching “ta” (crotchet beat) and “ti-ti” (2 quavers) and is often included as a core song in the first year of formal music education classes. It’s simplicity is perfect for young children to learn these basic rhythms. The melody uses only two tones –  “so” and “mi” which are the first two solfa names children learn in the popular Kodaly system of music education. This is the other reason it is often included in the Early Education music curriculum.
  5. The Grand Old Duke Of York: an English children’s nursery rhyme, often performed as an action song. (Source: Wikipedia)
    There are different versions of the melody. Many begin with the anacrusis “Oh the Grand…”This version is simplified by simply starting the song with “The Grand…”I have also simplified the melodic line, to make it more suitable for young children.


If you like Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 2, please leave a review in the Reviews section, right next to the Description tab above. It would be greatly appreciated!

For a more detailed information about each
Audio Single Song Pack in
Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 2,
follow the links below:



Hickory Dickory Dock Audio Single Song Pack

Jack And Jill Audio Single Song Pack

Ring A Ring A Rosy Audio Single Song Pack

Starlight, Starbright Audio Single Song Pack

The Grand Old Duke Of York Audio Single Song Pack

Hickory Dickory Dock audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music Nursery Rhyme rhymes rhyme kids songs digital download mp3 songJack And Jill audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme rhymes kids songs digital downloadRing A Ring A Rosie ' roses audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme rhymes digital download accompaniment track kids songsStarlight Starbright audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme rhymes digital download accompaniment track kids songs wishing on a starThe Grand Old Duke Of York : audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme rhymes digital download accompaniment track kids song marching

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Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1 Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:31:06 +0000 Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1 -

5 Audio Single Song Packs:-

  1. Hey Diddle Diddle

  2. Humpty Dumpty

  3. I'm A Little Teapot

  4. London Bridge

  5. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Each of the 5 packs contains the following: mp3 song downloads
  • Vocal mp3
  • Instrumental mp3
  • Instrumental with melody mp3
PDF downloads
  • Lyric Sheet PDF
  • Colored Poster PDF
  • Coloring Sheet PDF
  • Sheet Music PDF
Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1 includes the following Five Digital Download Audio Single Song Packs:-
  1. Hey Diddle Diddle: a perfect song for introducing 6/8 metre. The use of simple compound rhythms makes this song ideal for young children. Without having to know the music theory, they are learning 6/8 metre through experiential learning. (Wikipedia)
  2. Humpty Dumpty: with it’s strong 6/8 metre beat, it’s a perfect lap song for teaching and reinforcing the beat. Parents can help  kinesthetic learning, by bouncing their young children on knees, or holding and rocking them to the beat. Humpty Dumpty can also be used as a fingerplay and action song.
  3. I’m A Little Teapot: a favourite traditional Nursery Rhyme song packed with potential for early childhood learning. Also, it is a simple song and easy to sing. The actions that accompany the song help children with their gross motor skills, which in turn activates their executive brain function.
  4. London Bridge Is Falling Down: also known as “My Fair Lady” is a traditional English Nursery Rhyme and Circle Singing Game, which has different versions all over the world.
  5. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: with it’s simple melody and rhythm, this song teaches children so much! The melody uses 5 successive notes or d r m f s and the rhythm is made up of only two rhythms – ta and ti-ti (crotchet and quavers/quarter note and eighth notes). It is also a lovely fingerplay and action song.

If you like Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1, please leave a review in the Reviews section, right next to the Description tab above. It would be greatly appreciated! Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1 Hey Diddle Diddle Humpty Dumpty I'm A Little Teapot London Bridge Is Falling Down Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Miss Mon's Music Audio Theme Pack children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster colouring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme nursery rhymes mp3 song download music instrumental accompaniment track digital download chords kidsongs

For a more detailed information about each Audio Single Song Pack in Nursery Rhyme Theme Pack No 1, follow the links below:

Hey Diddle Diddle Audio Single Song Pack

Humpty Dumpty Audio Single Song Pack

I’m A Little Teapot Audio Single Song Pack

London Bridge Is Falling Down Audio Single Song Pack

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Audio Single Song Pack



Hey Diddle Diddle audio single song pack Miss Mon's Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music Nursery Rhyme mp3 song download digital accompaniment track chords originalHumpty Dumpty audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental Nursery Rhymes lap song mp3 song download digital accompaniment track kidsongs original words PDFI'm A Little Teapot Miss Mon's Music audio single song pack children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental educational songs traditional song mp3 download digital accompaniment track chords original words kidsongs PDFLondon Bridge Is Falling Down audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music Nursery Rhymes circle singing game mp3 song download digital PDF accompaniment track chords kidsongsTwinkle Twinkle Little Star audio single song pack Miss Mon’s Music children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs educational music nursery rhyme fingerplay action song mp3 song download digital accompaniment track chords kidsongs PDF

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Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes Pack Thu, 24 Jun 2021 06:02:17 +0000 Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes Pack - Five Audio Single Song Packs
  1. Baa Baa Black Sheep - Free Bonus Pack

  2. Little Bo Peep

  3. Little Boy Blue

  4. Mary Had A Little Lamb

  5. This Little Pig Went To Market

Each of the 5 packs contains the following: mp3 song downloads
  • Vocal mp3
  • Instrumental mp3
  • Instrumental with melody mp3
PDF downloads
  • Lyric Sheet PDF
  • Colored Poster PDF
  • Coloring Sheet PDF
  • Sheet Music PDF
Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes Pack  – includes the following farm themed songs:
Five Audio Single Song Packs
  1. Baa Baa Black Sheep: an English nursery rhyme. It is known as a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.
  2. Little Bo Peep: a well known English Nursery Rhyme about a girl who has lost her sheep.
  3. Little Boy Blue: a well known English Nursery Rhyme about a little boy who plays the horn and is meant to be looking after the cows and sheep, but is fast asleep on a haystack.
  4. Mary Had A Little Lamb: a well known English Nursery Rhyme about a girl who has a little lamb that follows her to school.
  5. This Little Pig Went To Market: also known as “This Little Piggy,” is a popular traditional English Nursery Rhyme in 4/4 time and Fingerplay or Toeplay song.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

If you like Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes mp3 download, please leave a review in the Reviews section, right next to the Description tab above. It would be greatly appreciated!

For more detailed information about each Audio Single
Song Pack in Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes, Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes Miss mon's Music audio theme pack Baa Baa Black Sheep Little Bo Peep Little Boy Blue Mary Had A Little Lamb This Little Pig Went To Market audio single song pack children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs farm farm animals
follow the links below:

Baa Baa Black Sheep Audio Single Song Pack

Little Bo Peep Audio Single Song Pack

Little Boy Blue Audio Single Song Pack

Mary Had A Little Lamb Audio Single Song Pack 

This Little Pig Went To Market Audio Single Song Pack


There are 3 other Farm Song Packs available! Farm Songs Theme Pack No 1, No 3, No 4 and Farm Theme Nursery Rhymes Pack.

Click on this link to see all Farm Song Theme Packs

Farm Songs Theme Pack No 1 includes the following Five mp3 and PDF Download Audio Single Song Packs:-  Farm Songs Theme Pack No 1 Miss Mon's Music audio theme packBingo Had A Little Rooster I Went To Visit A Farm One Man Went To Mow The Farmer In The Dell children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs farm farm animals Farm Songs Theme Pack No 1 Miss Mon's Music

  1. Bingo: a great song to teach your child spelling and the basic rhythm ta ta ti-ti ta.
  2. Had A Little Rooster: a traditional American folk song, over 100 years old. It is a cumulative song where a new verse is added about an animal and the sounds they make, each time the song is sung.
  3. I Went To Visit A Farm: a great song for animal and sound recognition, development of a steady beat and word substitution and improvisation.
  4. One Man Went To Mow: great song for teaching numbers and counting. It is a traditional English and Canadian cumulative folk song.
  5. The Farmer In The Dell: a popular, traditional singing game. Children love this circle game, which traditionally has a number of characters skipping around the inside of a circle.
    (Source: Wikipedia)

Farm Songs Theme Pack No 2 includes the following Five Digital Download Audio Single Song Packs:- Farm Songs Theme Pack No 2 Miss Mon's Music audio theme pack Five Little Ducks I Have A Little Pony Old MacDonald Had A Farm Piggy Wig and Piggy Wee When Ducks Get Up In The Morning audio single song pack children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs farm animals song mp3 download digital accompaniment track PDF

  1. Five Little Ducks: a traditional children’s song.  It is a counting song and introduces children to numbers and counting, by subtracting. It can also be used as a fingerplay song.
    (Source: Wikipedia)
  2. I Have A Little Pony:  a traditional English poem and song. This is a great song for teaching Tempo, as the tempo in the second half of the song speeds up and then slows down again.
  3. Old MacDonald Had A Farm: a favourite traditional children’s song from the British Isles and North America, teaching animal sounds and rhythm.
  4. Piggy Wig And Piggy Wee: a traditional book and fingerplay song.
  5. When Ducks Get Up In The Morning: a great song for teaching word substitution, improvisation, animal names and sounds. Animal sounds are great way for children to practise phonemes.

Farm Songs Theme Pack No 3 includes the following Five Digital Download Audio Single Song Packs:-  Farm Songs Theme Pack No 3 Miss Mon's Music audio theme pack Bought Me A Cat Click Go The Shears Come And See My Farm Six Little Ducks This Little Cow Eats Grass audio single song pack children’s songs download sheet music mp3 download lyrics colouring sheet poster coloring sheet classroom music children’s music Kindergarten Pre School education preschool backing tracks accompaniment instrumental traditional songs farm animals mp3 song download digital accompaniment track chords PDF kidsongs

  1. Bought Me A Cat: a cumulative song about farm animals, which teaches animal sounds and word substitution. It is also known as “The Farmyard Song”. (Source : Wikipedia)
  2. Click Go The Shears: an Australian Bush ballad about shearing sheep by hand. Great song for Drama where children pretend to be shearers.
  3. Come And See My Farm: an Argentinian Folk Song and a great song for teaching animals and their sounds, along with word substitution and improvisation.
  4. Six Little Ducks: a favourite children’s song that tells the story of one little duck with a feather on her back, who leads the other five ducks.
  5. This Little Cow Eats Grass: a traditional fingerplay/tickling song for babies and toddlers.


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