When I Was One is also known as “The Pirate Song” and “Over The Deep Blue Sea” “The Day I Went To Sea” and “Going Over The Sea. This “Sea Shanty” song has many versions and melodies. It is a classic counting song and each number has an action rhyming phrase to accompany it. As with all traditional songs, there are many versions of rhyming action words and phrases.
For example: When I was one I ate a bun
I sucked my thumb
I had just begun
I hurt my thumb
I played the drum
I had some fun
Children love to make up their own rhyming phrases and this encourages their imagination and creativity.
This song is also an Action Song and here is a link to some suggestions: When I Was One actions
The solfege for this version is s, t, d r m so the range is only 6 notes – ideal for young children.
When I Was One can also be sung as a call and response song, like many Sea Shanties.
Rhythmically it is written in 6/8 time with it’s two strong beats per bar.
Children love doing the actions on the Chorus, in time with the beat of the music, for example:
“we’re going this way, that way, forwards and backwards”
Here they bend sideways to the left and point with both hands (this), then bend sideways to the right and point with both hands (that). Then bend forwards, then bend backwards.
Moving in time with the words help them keep the beat.
Teaching Points: sea shanty, action song, call and response, s, t, d r m, 6/8 time signature, improvisation.
Audio Single Song
Vocal mp3
Lyric Sheet
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Single Song Pack
When I Was One is also available as a SINGLE SONG PACK with the following contents:
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