The Ants Go Marching has the same melody as “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.”
The lyrics to “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” were written by the Irish-American bandleader Patrick Gilmore during the American Civil War.
Its first sheet music publication was deposited in the Library of Congress on September 26, 1863, with words and music credited to “Louis Lambert”; copyright was retained by the publisher, Henry Tolman & Co., of Boston.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The Ants Go Marching was written by Robert D. Singleton and possibly first appeared in Barney’s Campfire Sing Along (1990). Some remember the song before this time, but with slightly different lyrics.
This humorous song is based on the biblical story of Noah and the ark.
Though the time signature is 6/8 the instrumentation is like a march and is ideal for children to learn to march to the beat. Younger children can do simple beat actions or play a drum to the beat.
Musically, this song is written in a minor scale and the note range is suitable for young children.
Teaching Points: counting, numbers, fingerplay, repetition, memory, recall, minor scale.
Product – The Ants Go Marching Value Pack
Audio Single Song Pack
Vocal mp3
Instrumental mp3
Instrumental with melody mp3
Lyric Sheet PDF
Colored Poster PDF
Coloring Sheet PDF
Sheet Music PDF
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