Time Signature: 2/4 Key: F Major
Ten In The Bed is another favourite counting song. It is also known as “Roll Over.”
It’s origin, history and composer are unknown, but it has been popular since the early 20th Century.(Source: All Nursery Rhymes )
Starting at ten in the bed, we subtract one number each time, until there is only one left in the bed.
Children love the repetitive style of this song and they are learning subtraction at the same time.
Ten In The Bed can also be used as a fingerplay song and an action song, if there are 10 children present.
If there are fewer children present, start the song with the said number of children, instead of “ten.”
Children could pretend to be bed, by lying on the floor.
One rolls over and “falls out” each time, until there is only one child left, who sings “good night” and pretends to go to sleep.
Teaching Points: counting, subtraction, fingerplay, action, improvisation, drama.
Product – Ten In The Bed
Audio Single Song Pack

- Vocal mp3
- Instrumental mp3
- Instrumental with melody mp3
- Lyric Sheet PDF
- Colored Poster PDF
- Coloring Sheet PDF
- Sheet Music PDF
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