Ring A Ring A Rosie or “Ring a Ring o’ Roses”, “Ring a Ring o’ Rosie”, or (in the United States)
“Ring Around the Rosie” is originally an English nursery rhyme or folksong and playground singing game.
It first appeared in print in 1881, but it is reported that a version was already being sung to the current tune in the 1790s and similar rhymes are known from across Europe.
The lyrics vary, but a modern interpretation based on modern lyrics that related the words to the plague in England became widespread post WWII, even though it appears to be a false folk etymology.
It is unknown what the earliest version of the rhyme was or when it began. Many incarnations of the game have a group of children form a ring, dance in a circle around a person, and stoop or curtsy with the final line.
The slowest child to do so is faced with a penalty or becomes the “rosie” (literally: rose tree, from the French rosier) and takes their place in the center of the ring.
(Source: Wikipedia)
This is a great song for children to feel and perform the beat in 6/8 time. Also, in order to play the circle game, children have to learn how to skip to the beat, in a circle, holding hands.
This version of the song uses the tones d r m f s l, which is a good range of notes for children.The song finishes with the lyrics “all fall down” and the perfect fifth interval “s s – d.”
Teaching Points: 6/8 metre, beat, rhyme, skipping, circle game.
Audio Single Song
Vocal mp3
Lyric Sheet
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