I Saw Three Ships is popular, traditional Christmas Carol and folk song from England. It dates back to the 17th Century and was probably traditionally known as “As I Sat On A Sunny Bank.” The reference to three ships near Bethlehem, which is not near the water, is a bit of a mystery!
According to Wikipedia, it may be a symbolic reference to the possibility that ships brought the Three Wise Men’s relics to Cologne Cathedral in the 12th Century.
Alternatively, the ships are actually references to the camels used by the Three Wise Men, as camels are frequently referred to as “ships of the desert.”
(Source: Wikipedia)
With it’s strong 6/8 metre beat, it’s a perfect lap song for teaching and reinforcing the beat to young children.
Parents can help kinesthetic learning, by bouncing their young children on knees, or holding and rocking them to the beat.
Older children can walk, skip, sway, swing their arms and so forth to the beat of the music.
They could also transfer this movement to a drum, tambourine, or home made drum instruments like a plastic ice-cream tub or even a saucepan. Chopsticks or wooden spoons can be used for the beaters.
Teaching Points: 6/8 metre beat, lap song, movement to the beat, playing the drum, Christmas theme.
Product – I Saw Three Ships
Vocal mp3
Instrumental mp3
Instrumental with melody mp3
Lyric Sheet PDF
Colored Poster PDF
Coloring Sheet PDF
Sheet Music PDF
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