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Physical Skill Development, Miss Mon's Music, Benefits of Early Childhood Music Education

Can Early Childhood Music Education help children with their physical skill development?

Physical Skill Development: Motor Skills and Coordination

Dr Lucy Bainger, in her article “Music and Learning For The Young Child” states the following:

“For the young child, music and movement are always connected. Learning to move the body using both gross and fine motor skills develops the child’s physical coordination.”

Dancing along to music helps children build their gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are the ones that enable children to move larger muscles, like their arms and legs.                

Fingerplay songs can help with fine motor skills. Even a basic introduction to an instrument, such as a hitting a triangle or shaking a tambourine, can be beneficial in developing a child’s fine motor skills, involving hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

girl dancing on green grass field

Physical Skill Development: Crossing the Midline

Singing and performing simple action songs that require you to cross the midline, fully engage your brain, as both brain hemispheres are communicating well. In other words, doing the traditional song, “Hokey Pokey,” can facilitate and strengthen a child’s neural networks to coordinate movement and learning.

girl stepping on paw prints

Physical Skill Development: Physical Balance

Music activities can improve a child’s coordination and balance.

Songs that require children to move and stop help with balance. Action songs involving hopping and jumping can also help with locomotive skills and balance.

Examples include Hokey Pokey, Mulberry Bush, The Chicken Dance, If You’re Happy And You Know It and many more!

Physical Skill Development

Miss Mon’s Music

Check out Miss Mon’s Music Shop for music products that can be easily downloaded: