Five Currant Buns is a fun, traditional Counting Song. There are different versions and lyrics, as for all traditional songs. One version of the second phrase lyrics says, “with a cherry on top” whereas I learnt it as “with sugar on the top.”
This Counting Song is fantastic for teaching children subtraction. It can also be a simple fingerplay song.
Five Currant Buns is also a great song for drama, as the song lends itself to acting out each verse. To act out the song, we ask five children to come out the front, as well as a sixth person to play the Baker.
Each time the child buying the currant buns pretends to give the Baker a penny. (Discussion about what a penny is, would precede doing this activity.)
The Baker pretends to take the money and gives the child a pretend bun. When they have bought the currant bun from the Baker, they sit down and the rest of the children stay standing until there is no one left. Children can see visually what happens when we subtract one from the whole. All the verses are sung until there are no children left standing. Then we say “And there were NO buns left!”
This song is also good to introduce at Kindy or Preschool or Home when setting up a Play Shop and learning about money to buy things.
Here is a lovely video of a child singing this song and using imaginative play from his own play Shop at home: Play Shop Video
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