“This Little Pig Went To Market”, also known as “This Little Pig” or “This Little Piggy,” is a popular traditional English Nursery Rhyme and Fingerplay or Toeplay song.
Toeplay means that instead of wiggling the fingers, the toes are wiggled one at a time and the feet are tickled at the end.
The correspondence of five pigs and five toes or fingers, helps children with mathematical concepts of numbers and one-to-one correspondence.
The original author of the rhyme is unknown, however, it is possible that it is fictional story-teller, Mother Goose.
Wikipedia states that “In 1728, the first line of the rhyme appeared in a medley called “The Nurses Song”.
The first known full version was recorded in The Famous Tommy Thumb’s Little Story-Book, published in London about 1760.”
(Source: Wikipedia)
As with all traditional songs, there are many versions of both lyrics and melody.
Teaching Points: fingerplay; toeplay; storyboard; counting; d r m f s l t d’; beat; accent.
Product – This Little Pig Value Pack
Audio Single Song Pack
Vocal mp3
Instrumental mp3
Instrumental with melody mp3
Lyric Sheet PDF
Colored Poster PDF
Coloring Sheet PDF
Sheet Music PDF
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